Stuff And Nonsense

Guided Enrichment

We've got the STUFF, to activate some NONSENSE, in the most exciting ways!!! 

"The Stuff And Nonsense team is impacting lives and serving the community, by providing exciting guided enrichment projects to the senior community, and offering invaluable volunteer services, sparking hope for a better future."

-Casie Pruitt,


Co-founder and

Chief Executive Officer

of Stuff And Nonsense

nonprofit organization

The Stuff And Nonsense Group is a nonprofit organization based out of King, North Carolina. Our mission, is to enrich the lives of the people in our community, by organizing guided activities, providing them with new creative outlets, and arranging memorable ventures that will benefit the community as a whole. 

Our "guided enrichment" is the STUFF that brings people together. Anything, from old time basket weaving techniques, to contemporary terrarium designing, the sky is the limit for our novice artisans and crafters. These programs, being funded by grants, sponsors, and donation, will be provided at no cost to our participating benefactors. 

Though our primary focus will be the senior citizen community, our programs are designed to include people of all ages, and walks of life. Our hope, is that our enrichment programs, and our volunteer community services, will set a new standard for the quality of life, led by the average person in our community.